Monday, March 25, 2013

Media Reflection

I was hoping to make this post earlier in the week, but arguably I’ve been a little bombarded with media myself.  I find myself trying to refrain from talking during lecture, really because I can easily get to a point where I talk too much, so I’ve learned to simply take a step back and allow things develop and contribute in a more natural manner.  This is the beauty of online collaboration; I can rant as much as I can type.  But the main point I want to drive is related to our reading for this past week and lecture, while at the same time somewhat of a tangent. 
The only time I have had a more contemporary means of including media in an educational setting, was the inclusion of the internet and YouTube here at CSUN a few years ago.  Before that, my own primary and secondary education was always rooted in lecture, worksheets, overhead projectors and plain power points.  I always imagine if I would somehow be smarter, more intelligent, or at least more capable as access to technology and learning to use this technology efficiently enables the student to be more resourceful. 
I can recall from adolescent psychology, and several other courses which prepare educators, it is necessary to use as many means of communicating knowledge and content as possible because every class will have different students who learn differently.  The verbal, the visual, the tactile, the kinesthetic, all of which are further engaged by different mediums of related media.  It is therefore critical to include, understand the benefits and limitations of including different mediums, but the most important decision an educator can make is to include as many as possible in order to engage every one student in multiple methods of expression.  I can only wonder if this is an effective method or more of a preferred style.

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