Sunday, May 5, 2013

World Text Analysis Essay - FIRST DRAFT

Good evening classmates,
As before I am posting my first draft in raw format; that is, should I have my class to teach, I would want to show them different methods of the first stages of writing.  Outlining, brainstorming, free writing, graphing, or one of my favorites, “the Shitty First Draft.”  Again, essays like “The Shitty First Draft” are looked down upon at the high school level, and yet again, perhaps this is why I just don’t fit well for high school education.  Regardless of the class that I may end up teaching, I would like to be honest with my class and show them, not tell them, my own difficulties and successes in finishing a decent paper.  Therefore, below you will find my “Shitty First Draft,” along with a few captions that may be out of order and not all utilized in the final text.  But for now, most of my ideas are out, and now I just have to fit down a few times and redraft until I am happy…and also, throw in my sources and well. 

"Shitty First Draft"
The above cited photograph is popularly found in various version across the internet, it’s popularity is signified by a society in which uncertantiy and instability are possibly the only certainties.  The art produced in our contemporary society in all different forms of media, are seared with these undertones of instability and at times offer a potentially solution, or at the minimum some form of hope for a better future.  The film Slumdog Millionaire is one of the works produced by society in a volatile time; the work highlights the struggle to find love against a backdrop of conflicts with relgion, capitalism, crime, security, scarcity and other such themes.  Although the work is brilliant, and a commendable piece, while contrasting the intelligence of life experiences against indoctinized education, Slumdog Milliionare contradicts the very undertone of values it questions and perpetuates the belifes of those who rely on forturen and chance, thereby placting the masses and ensuring the status quo. 
            Slum dog millionaire follows the story line of Jamal, Salim and Latika as they grow up orphaned in various cities throuought India.  Although some hardships are very much specific to certain regions of India, the kinds of struggles they face are part of larger themes that man struggles against in different cultures and societies, therefore these issues are both global and universal. The film itself first introduces Jamal as a man who has won 20 million rupees; but has been kidnapped and undergone torture by the local police because of suspected cheating.  Herein the main subplot or theme of resistence is found, that of indoctrinized education against the validity of life experiences.  “Professors, doctors, lawyers never get beyond 60 million what the hell can a slumdog know?”  Again, Jamal’s intelligence and ability are questioned because he was born and raised in abject poverty found in the “slums” of the city; however as the film suggests through various “vignettes,” life experience has as much value as “proper” education.  Although this problem of proper education is critical in India, it is not simply an issue in that country alone, thereby the issue is universial as opppsed to specific to Inida. 
            The additional subconflicts found in the film serve to highlight the primary conflict as they higthen its affect.   One scene emphasizes conflicts of religion and the scarcity of urban space.  Indeed it is during this scene that Jamal and Salim becom orphans, when their part of the slum is overrun by reglious fanatics who yell out “they’re muslims, get them!”  Men, women and children are beaten while the slum is destroyed and set ablaze.  Latika herself is separated from Jamal and Salim when the three of them are picked up and forced to become part of a crime ring which forces children to beg on the street, at times purposefully mutilate the children in order to obtain more money; she herself is then planned to be forced into prostitution.  Although each of these are specific problems to the cultural specific areas of India, they are also very much universal problems and concerns amongst any country, developed or not.  Each of course is also in it’s own way a problems stemming or compounded by capitalism. 

Education is promoted as a necessity to combat the implications and difficulties of living in a capitalist society is its expansion in imperialist form across the world.  Although Slum Dog Millionaire highlights the importance of life exepirence and equates if not negates that not all emphasis should rest on organized or indoctrinized education, the film itself, unfortunately, contradicts and undesmines its own purpose.  The film establishes TWEVLE key points which work to point out how an individual with a “lower” education can know just as mjuch as someone with “higher” education.  These instances cover in money, religion, arts, ETC. and yet each time the person from the slums has the knowledge.  However, despite the main points and polot of the film, the work concludes with the main character Jamal, winning Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and thus he is able to afford the luxury of financial security and is able to resuce his lifelong love from a life of fear and prostitution.   Yet this is the very problem of the film, there is no solution suggested or offered—quite the opposite.  The film does no promote education either in the life experience or organized sense, nor does it offer some kind of solution to the very real universal problems explicitly found in the film and the struggle of everyday conflicts, the work’s solution is that of relying on chance and fortune to save the characters from the reality of these difficulties.  It therefore promotes a blind faith in what many consider a one in a million chance, in other words, there is no hope in attempting to prepare for the hardships of life, the characters in life must rely on blind faith and fortune to save them from a difficulty existence.  In fact, the film perpetuates religious and capitalist ideologies that some are born into a wealth life, or chance bestows on them a successful existence or that God has chosen an easier life for them than most, because destiny has decided that “it was written.”

It has been argued that religion, education, comsuerism, consumption, constitutions and other such infasturctures are in fact systems of control which placate and occupy the masses so as not to engage in talk of revolution and lead to class rebellion.  Although artistically appealing, Slum Dog Millionaire takes on this very nature of placating the masses. 

            Artistically and esthetically pleasing, Slum Dog Millionaire is recognized worldwide as a powerful film speaking not just to the American dream but fundamentally to a natural-instintual dream of pursing a happy life with a partner, a home and children.  However, despite the acclaim of the audience must not lose sight of the improbable utopian implications the film represents, aside from the capitalist placations of winning the lottery, by extension a system of suppression and control. 

It has a sense of hopelessness, a colonization or imperialistic approach of hope, money saves all, it will find love, buy safety and security, replacing the density of the slum replaceable with the loan density of the American and what is therefore the answer to subjugation by extreme poverty or extreme debt through finance by capitalism; winning the lottery?
Mid page 46 “It is that utopia is somehow negative; and that is is 

Utopia is contrary to human nature?
It is not contrary but an implausible goal that human natur strives for, yet not taken seriously.  An impossibility that as Jameson 44 indcates “in the mind –and perhaps fr that reason—all kinds of institutional variouation and re-combinations seem thinkiabe”  But again, Jameson 44 indicates that no such agency has “appeared on the horizon that offers the slifghhtest chane ofr hopf of modifying that staus quo.” 

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